Post 03 – Programming Drones & Mathematical Properties

We're entering week 4 of school.  This will be the first full, normal week so far.  First day of week 1 was the odd first day schedule with assemblies and such, 2nd week had a 2-hr delay on Monday due to hurricane weather, and last week was labor day on Monday.  Glad to start getting into a normal routine.  But onto the reflection of last week. ROBOTICS & DRONING I spent most of my time last week reflecting on robotics.  I was trying out doing some drone lessons where students program the drone to do stuff.  Our first mission was…
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Inquiry-Based Lesson on Arithmetic Property

Inquiry-Based Lesson on Arithmetic Property

Below is a slide show I plan on using for my lesson on properties (commutative, associative, identity, and inverse) for my 7th grade Pre-Algebra class.  They will answer a couple questions, I'll have them share their thought process and drawings, asking them probing questions and having them convince the rest of us of their thinking.  The questions will be as follows: Does the order of you multiply numbers matter? Why or why not? Explain and draw a picture. Does the order you add numbers matter? Why or why not? Explain and draw a picture. [HERE I SHARE THAT THIS IS THE…
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